Asian studies in Lithuania

Sugihara Week Opening Concert

Date and time: 2018-09-03 18:00 - 2018-09-03 19:30

Location: Kauno valstybinė filharmonija, L. Sapiegos g. 5, Kaunas

Sugihara Week Opening Concert “Improvisational Music from Japan and Lithuania”

Improvisational music and avant-guarde jazz performers Liudas Mockūnas and Ryoji Hojito collaborate since 2004. They performed concerts in Lithuania and Japan, have released a CD “Vacation Music” from the Lithuanian label “No Business Records”.

“…Abstract and challenging, the music encapsulates much of what makes this performance so interesting. Musicians coming together with no preconceived notions and creating singular and unique art in the moment… ”- writes Canadian critic Tim Niland.

Tomo Yamaguchi, a unique percussionist and old stage buddy of Ryoji Hojito will join the duo for the concerts in Lithuania for the first time.

Event is free of charge.

Liudas Mockūnas – saxophone, clarinets;
Ryoji Hojito – piano, alternative instruments;
Tomo Yamaguchi – percussion.

Web link:

Initiators of the project: Japan foundation VDU