Asian studies in Lithuania

Public lecture “Magicians, were-tigers and assistant spirits in vernacular Hinduism of Assamby” Prof. Ülo Valk

Date and time: 2019-09-19 16:30 - 2019-09-19 17:30

Location: VU Azijos ir transkultūrinių studijų institutas, Universiteto g. 5, Vilnius

On September 19-20, VU Institute of Asian and Transcultural Studies is organizing a series of public lectures about North east India. First lecture of the cycle will be held by professor of Estonian and comparative folklore in Tartu University Mr. Ülo Valk.

‘Vernacular religion’ as a category and methodological approach was initiated by Leonard N. Primiano in his research on ‘lived’ and ‘individual’ dimensions of religion, and its ambiguous relationship with the hegemonic and the authoritarian. Vernacular beliefs are often expressed in narrative forms and this storyworld is in constant variation, often contradicting the concept of stable truth. How is vernacular knowledge of the supernatural produced if there is no authoritarian control over religious discourse and even the factual data in experience narratives is subject to constant variation? The lecture addresses these problems, focusing on beliefs, magical practices and storytelling tradition in Assam, North Eastern India.

More information about the lecture:

Web link:

Initiators of the project: Japan foundation VDU