Asian studies in Lithuania

Lecture “A Message of Bravery and Peace from the Hearts of Japan”

Date and time: 2018-09-06 16:00 - 2018-09-06 18:00

Location: Sugiharos namai, Vaižganto g. 30, Kaunas

We kindly invite to the lecture of Mr. Krichely Yossi about the Yaotsu Town and Museum. Yaotsu is a small town that took upon itself the great task of educating Japan and the world about Mr. Ch. Sugihara and his magnificent humanistic achievement. Presenter introduces the town, and the process that led to the creation of the Sugihara Memorial and the effects on the town ever since.

The lecture will be 45 minutes long and will be followed with a special screening of the Sugihara Story Film which is displayed in the Sugihara Museum.

A first ever screening outside of Japan. Japanese with Lithuanian subtitles.
Entrance: free.

Web link:

Initiators of the project: Japan foundation VDU