Asian studies in Lithuania

Exhibition “Kakejiku – Contemporary Art from Japan”

Date and time: 2013-04-11 17:00 - 2013-05-04

Location: Vilnius Academy of Arts, \"Titanikas\" Exhibition Halls, 1st floor (Maironio str. 3, Vilnius)

Kakejiku is the traditional Japanese style of showing pictures and calligraphy. It is made of paper or cloth (mostly of silk), it can be scrolled when it is put away. Since old ages the Japanese used to hang kakejiku in their guest rooms to express the hospitality to their guests. We used to draw flowers, birds and landscapes on the kakejiku. For us, Japanese people, the four seasons had an important meaning, and we used to admire the beauty of changing nature.

Therefore kakejiku should be changed and hung occasionally in order to fit the season at the moment. Nowadays our style of everyday life has been greatly changing into western style, so not many Japanese people welcome their guests with the kakejiku any more. Kakejiku is not something so familiar for us anymore.

Kakejiku-Contemporary Art From Japan” is a good chance for the participating artists to recognize the old Japanese spirit again by making the art works in the traditional style.  We try to express our art works in the kakejiku style. Some of us are using the contemporary materials such as acrylic paints and gouache, others are using traditional materials such as paper, silk, and Japanese paints.

We heartily hope Lithuanian audience will enjoy 30 art works of 12 artists in which contemporary sense is integrated into the old style kakejiku.

Web link:

Partners and sponsors:


Kakedžiku parodos vykdomasis komitetas


Japonijos ambasada Lietuvoje


Vilniaus dailės akademija

Initiators of the project: Japan foundation VDU