Asian studies in Lithuania

Call for Papers: 2018 EAJRS Conference in Kaunas

Date and time: 2018-03-01 - 2018-09-15

Location: Kaunas

We are now accepting registrations and proposals for presentations for the 28th EAJRS conference to be held in Kaunas 12-15 September 2018, organized by the Centre for Asian Studies of Vytautas Magnus University. The partners of the event are Tokyo University of Foreign Studies Global Japan Office and VMU Library.

If you plan to attend, please complete the registration form and return it to

Proposals for presentations should be returned by 15 May 2018.

Download the registration form here.

The central topic this year is “(G)localizing Japanese Studies Resources”, whereby special attention will be given to localizing resources in the  global context. Moreover, as the conference is organized in Kaunas, a city with a very tight relationships with Chiune Sugihara, who was saving Jewish lives here in 1939-40, part of the conference will be dedicated to resources related to the Second World War as well.

As always, we welcome all subjects pertaining to the various activities of the members of the EAJRS.

For more information please click here.

Web link:

Initiators of the project: Japan foundation VDU