Asian studies in Lithuania

Tanabata Workshop

Date and time: 2021-08-01 12:00 - 2021-08-01 13:00

Location: Sugiharos muziejus, Vaižganto g. 30, Kaunas

Tanabata is a Japanese celebration also known as Star Festival. Tanabata is celebrated to commemorate the romantic story of two lovers represented by the stars Vega and Altair who are only allowed to meet each other once a year as long as the skies are clear. On that day, people write wishes on pieces of paper and hang them on bamboo, hoping they can come true.

The Sugihara House intern Nichika Kurisu kindly invites you to join the creative Tanabata workshop and learn the legend behind the stars! The event is aimed towards children and their families who like to create crafts! Of course adults are welcomed too!

The event will take place on August 1st from 12 p.m. at the Sugihara House (Vaižganto str. 30, Kaunas).

The event is free but requires prior registration:…/18zvzHigD8WnVeupnoIfcA75HZGEi…

Web link:

Initiators of the project: Japan foundation VDU