Asian studies in Lithuania

Bojagi (Bo) and Paper Gift Box Craft Workshop

Date and time: 2021-07-27 16:00 - 2021-07-29 17:00

Location: Internete

Have you ever heard about Bojagi (Bo)?

보자기(보) / Bojagi (Bo) is a traditional Korean wrapping cloth. It is commonly square shaped and can be made from various materials like ramie or silk. Teacher Maria Kang, who has splendid knowledge of Korean arts and handicrafts, would like to introduce the history of Bojagi and its various types and uses to you. And then, considering traditional meaning and ways, we will have time to make paper gift boxes using colored paper with a traditional pattern.

Please register at Bojagi and paper gift box workshop!

*For this event, you need the colored paper, which you should visit to Vilnius KSI (Ateities g.20. I-305) to pick up. To choose pick-up time, please register the workshop date first. It includes the pick-up time registration too.
*We will use the Zoom platform, online.
*Lithuanian language.
**There are two event date options (same event contents), so please check and choose the date when you want to take part in.

2021-07-27 (Tue), 16:00-17:00 event registration form (max. 15 participants);
2021-07-29 (Thur), 16:00-17:00 event registration form (max. 15 participants).

Web link:

Initiators of the project: Japan foundation VDU