Asian studies in Lithuania

Asian Food Workshop during VMU Asian Week

Date and time: 2017-03-07 14:00 - 2017-03-07 17:00

Location: (Lietuvių) Hof hotel (Maironio g. 21A, Kaunas 44250)

VMU Asian Week once again invites you to participate in Japanese, Korean and Chinese food workshop. You will be able to watch the cooking process as well as participate in tasting the meals. Different East Asian snacks will also be available for trying throughout the whole event. This is a great opportunity not to only try traditional dishes but also get to know Asian cuisine better.

ATTENTION! Registration is required and will run until February 28th
In order to register, check the link provided below.

Place: Hof hotel (Maironio g. 21A, Kaunas 44250)

Time: March 7th, 2PM

Event schedule:
14:00 – 15:00 Japanese cuisine: temaki-dzushi workshop and degustation;
15:00 – 16:00 Korean cuisine: kimchi jjigae workshop and degustation;
16:00 – 17:00 Chinese cuisine: huo guo workshop and degustation.

One workshop and degustation 6 € students 4 €
All 3 workshops and degustation 12 € students 10 €

Fee is collected in VMU Asian studies center (Putvinskio g. 23-420, Kaunas) or before event.

Web link: (Lietuvių)

Partners and sponsors:

Hof Hotel
Japonijos ambasada Lietuvoje
Korėjos respublika Lenkijoje

Initiators of the project: Japan foundation VDU