Date and time: 2013-08-28 - 2013-09-30
Baltic Alliance for Asian Studies (BAAS) operates and as an institutional alliance of the University departments, the activities of which comprise studying and/or research in the field of Asian, Middle Eastern, African or Oriental studies. Presently it has five members: Department of Middle Eastern and Asian Studies (Tallinn University), Centre for Oriental Studies (Tartu University), Department for Asian Studies (University of Latvia), Centre of Oriental Studies (Vilnius University), Centre of … More…
Date and time: 2013-10-26 - 2013-10-26
Location: (Lietuvių) Lietuvos kultūros tyrimų institutas
Date and time: 2013-10-18 11:00 - 2013-10-18 18:00
Location: (Lietuvių) VDU Katalikų teologijos fakultetas, Didžioji Aula (Gimnazijos g. 7, Kaunas)
Date and time: 2013-11-07 - 2013-11-08
Location: Mykolas Romeris University address Ateities 20 street, LT-08303 Vilnius, Lithuania (the information will be updated)
On 7-8 of November, Mykolas Romeris University is holding an international scientific conference “Japan and Europe in Global Communication”. During the event, scientists from Lithuania and Japan will present the following titles: More…
Date and time: 2013-10-03 17:00 - 2013-10-28
Location: (Lietuvių) Lietuvos nacionalinės UNESCO komisijos galerija, Šv. Jono 11, Vilnius
We kindly invite You to visit an exhibition of Japanese paper (washi) “Paper miscellaneously” by Sadao Mino. Exhibition will be opened at 5:00 o’clock PM on 3rd of October, 2013. The opening of the exhibition will be accompanied by the author himself.
Next day, on the 4th of October, Mr. Sadao Mino will be holding a workshop of washi producing. During the workshop, author will tell about Japanese paper and present the process of washi producing.
Attention! The number of participants in washi production workshop is limited, therefore the registration in advance is required. Please, register by sending an e-mail to culture@vn.mofa.go.jp
See You there!
Date and time: 2013-09-23 - 2013-10-28 18:00
Date and time: 2013-11-15 15:00 - 2013-11-15 19:00
Location: (Lietuvių) Vilniaus Universiteto Mažoji Aula, Universiteto g. 3, Vilnius
Every year, meetings for Canon Foundation Alumni Fellows in different cities throughout Europe are organised. This year, the meeting will be held at Vilnius University on Friday 15 November, 2013 from 15:00. The event will be held in co-operation with the Centre of Oriental Studies, Vilnius University.
This year the Foundation awarded a grant to a person from Lithuania, dr. Ramūnas Motiekaitis. He will be at the meeting to give a talk about research prospects with help from CANON Foundation. After that, everyone is welcome to listen to a Japanese flute recital. More…
Date and time: 2013-12-20 - 2014-01-31
Location: (Lietuvių) Rytų kultūros studija "Wudang Tao" (P. Kalpoko g. 1-26, LT-44146, Kaunas) ir kitos erdvės Kaune
Date and time: 2014-01-21 - 2014-04-30
The Centre for Asian studies together with the Department of Philosophy and the Faculty of Catholic Theology announces the Call for Papers to the international interdisciplinary academic conference “Christian World and East Asian Traditions: Symbols, Concepts, Practices“, which will take place in Kaunas, on September 18-20, 2014. More…