Asian studies in Lithuania

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Žiogelis (Žagelis), Ignotas

1826 - 1891

Orientalist, physician, traveler, historian, archeologist. I. Žiogelis had traveled a lot in the Middle East, Africa and Asia. He had visited Ceylon (Sri Lanka) and Java. He had been living in India and Egypt for several years. Based on his travel experiences I. Žiogelis wrote “The history of Ancient Egypt“, “Historical trip through Abyssinia“ and others.Most of his articles and books I. Žiogelis wrote in Polish, French and English. Also, he has written a short Polish-Arabic dictionary.

The basis of his book “The history of Ancient Egypt“ is the history of the dynasties of Egyptian pharaohs. In this book I. Žiogelis described the main characteristics of each ruler, public administration, the most important events of the time, achievements and local customs, as well as flora and fauna of the country. This book was not only based on I. Žiogelis‘ trips, his Egyptian studies, More

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Initiators of the project: Japan foundation VDU