Published in: Vilnius
Published on: 2014
Publisher: Baltos lankos
Link: http://www.baltoslankos.lt/lt/knygos/publicistika/vienaindijoje
The author tells about her own experiences while travelling in India. However, it is not a tourist guide book, which is why there are no picturesque routes or references to comfortable and popular hotels. She narrates without glamor and idealization – whether it is the places she visited or the people and their relations. And in her trip there were many various meetings, starting the ones with the westerners, who were searching for the enlightment in India, or just were in love with the country, and finishing with meetings with the locals with all their complex rituals, traditions, and subtleties of interaction.
The author also analyzes her own transformations as well – from naïve tourist, taking photos of everything around her and overpaying everywhere to experienced traveler who can recommend a fine restaurant in some shabby looking India district and understand true Indian taste. In this book one can find everything: yoga, Bollywood actress’s career, and foolish yet dangerous situations. The books is vivid, easy to read, and informative.