Published in: Vilnius
Published on: 1989
Publisher: Vaga
Romualdas Lankauskas in his book ‘Cicadas of Tokyo’ talks about his only trip to Japan after Second World War and impressions that this trip left. In the book he tells about this distinctive and interesting country’s past and future, its customs, scientific achievements and way of life. The author while strongly idealizing and comparing Japan to western world, talks about his impressions of the three week length trip in Japan. During the trip he visited the main islands of Japan. In this book the reader can familiarize himself with the prosperous period of after war Japan.
‘Cicadas of Tokyo’ introduces after war Japan through the eyes of foreigner. Orderly, very clean country in which people are polite and happy. The Japanese are assessed as diligent people, who love working in groups and as people who are very creative, because of the geographical situation and historical aspects these qualities were very important. Japan is also conveyed as country, which loves nature, does not pollute it and cherishes traditions. Japanese are considered to be a very intelligent nation, because by the indicators of those years even at that time every year 38 thousand of new titles are published (about 500 million copies). This tendency is still present in modern day society which is quite baffling. The author takes pleasure in Japan’s uniqueness and novelty. Many time in the books the reader can find author blaming the western countries for their inordinacy, failure to save the historical heritage or etiquette. This books tells about Japan as a country of miracles, in which there is no jealousness, lies, greed. A country of only total understanding and love for each other.
Romualdas Lankauskas – Lithuanian prose writer, artist and playwright. In Vilnius University studied Russian language and literature, worked in numerous redactions. Since 1961 paints landscapes, abstract compositions, held several exhibitions in both Lithuania and foreign countries, illustrated his own books. 1986–1987 travelled to Japan, in which as tourist he spent several weeks. This trip was his only trip to this country, which left lasting impression. Inspired of the impression the trip has left him, he wrote a book ‘Cicadas of Tokyo: the memories of one trip’, which was published in 1989.