Published in: Vilnius
Published on: 2016
Publisher: Vilniaus universiteto leidykla
In this book there is complexly described about three Eurasian greatest countries – China’s, India’s and Russia’s – regional level in foreign and inside policy. This book let’s us talk about a geopolitically exclusive strategic triangle which has influence in a two-way mutual relationship and global policy. The order of these three greatest Eurasia’s countries is not random, because China, India and Russia during the researching period of time (In the past sixteen years of 21st century) didn’t surpassed any of the other countries and according to the author if this will stay the same then, China will rise, Russia will fall and India will stay in the same position.
Book’s “The Clash between China, India and Russia In Eurasia’s Civilizational spaces” target is of two kinds, the first being professional academy audience and the second being intelligent people which are interested in these countries. In the book there is mentioned Eurasian triplet (China, India and Russia) two-way mutual relationship, their history and partnership: China’s and India’s, China’s and Russia’s, India’s and Russia’s relationship. In the book there is mentioned about the position of all these countries in their civilization space, when and how they rise or fall and how are they looking today. In the book there is mentioned what influence had China, India and Russia in Eurasia, what kind’s of problems where there because of territory, what conflicts where there, in what ways those countries tried to increase their influence in Eurasia, how fast that happened and how these countries lived in a post-Soviet space. Attention gets caught by the fact that in the book there is a lot of pictures from various Eurasian countries and a lot of tables/charts about various kinds of information in this way the author brightens the book and gives us facts how these countries changed.
Monograph “The Clash between China, India and Russia In Eurasia’s Civilizational spaces” is the first high quality book in Lithuania which is supposed to help finding out about nowadays China’s India’s and Russia’s mutual and foreign policy fulfillment. This book as well is recognized internationally.
Dr. Konstantinas Andrijauskas – Vilnius University associate professor, Doctor of Political Science (VU TSPMI), In 2014 Konstantinas Andrijauskas defended his doctor’s dissertation, gives lectures about Asian and Post-Soviet space policy in Vilnius University. In 2016 he published a book “The Clash between China, India and Russia In Eurasia’s Civilizational spaces” this shows that Konstantinas Andrijauskas has accomplished a lot in life and gives us a lot of various and interesting information about these three Eurasian countries.