Asian studies in Lithuania

The Ganges Starts in Himalayas

Authors: Narvilas, Vytautas
Published in: Vilnius
Published on: 1981
Publisher: Vaga

This creation of author Vytautas‘s Narvilas is for those, who are interested in India. And it‘s quite easy to understand why – apart from author‘s personal knowledge and experience, this book contains a lot of information from ancient Indian literature‘s „monuments“, like : Vedas, Upanishads, Mahabharata and others. A big range of variety of India can be found in this book, which contains : the doctrine of induism, philosophy, yoga, culture, legends, myths, innings, spiritual …verity and just everyday‘s life. It has very much information and knowledge for comparatively quite small scope of a book. Complicated texts were simplified and pointed out in many of the parts, so that the readers can have a better understanding. “The Ganges starts in Himalayas“ not only reveals a part of India, but also makes us think, so there‘s a chance it might help some readers to find themselves or even the path of their life, if they are in a search for it and also make impact on the concern of  healthy lifestyle and spiritual practice.

The book is made of ten chapters : I. Ex oriente lux, II. Cosmic dance of Shiva, III. Rajpath – the road of the kings, IV. Burning of a light, V. The first day of kali yuga, VI. Who are you, VII. Near the feet of Vishnu, VIII. The Ganges descended on earth, IX. Seeing of beauty, X.Passion for living. All of them ventilates narrow topics and set them up to the smallest details, as much as possible. They contain almost whole and powerful pantheon of Hinduism god‘s, starting from “the trinity of the creators“ : Brahma, Shiva and Vishnu, with all of his reincarnations and story about his son Ganesha, to hardly anyone known gods with their individual roles. Lithuanian and Sanskrit languages are also being compared in the book, with a big line of almost identical words of the two.

Initiators of the project: Japan foundation VDU