Asian studies in Lithuania

Epics of Asian and European nations

Authors: Kerbelyte, Bronislava
Published in: Kaunas
Published on: 2015
Publisher: Vytautas Magnus University Press

This book presents epics created by some of the Eurasian tribes and offers an exceptional opportunity to read excerpts from them professionally translated into the Lithuanian language. The book consists of two parts: the first one is about epics that were written and preserved in ancient texts, and the second part includes those that were preserved by the oral tradition and were written down in the 19th century or even later.

There is some general information before every epic on the people that created it, cultural and historic background, what type of performance it requires, its length, story and main themes. Moreover, information on the translator of the epic or the first person who wrote it down is provided. Specific terminology is explained as well.

Even though this book by B. Kerbelytė provides only excerpts from the epics – usually their beginnings – readers still find out the main aspects of the story and its separate parts that were not included in the book. This way, the reader is introduced to the story of the epic. Furthermore, a chance to read it in authentic rhyme is provided. In the preface it is said that this book is first and foremost dedicated to the folklorists and researchers of archaic cultures. However, this book could also be incredibly engaging and useful to anyone who is interested in the old creative works of various tribes, who wants to compare them or is simply looking for a way to deepen their understanding of cultural heritage of the many people that live in Eurasia.

Initiators of the project: Japan foundation VDU