Asian studies in Lithuania

Asia without borders

Authors: Mačiulevičius, Paulius, Tilmantaitė, Berta, Jančiauskas, Andrius
Published in: Kaunas
Published on: (Lietuvių) 2013
Publisher: (Lietuvių) Obuolys

Pack your rucksack, quit your job, leave your family and friends for who knows how long and buy one way ticket to a place, you have never been to. Sounds hard isn‘t it? However, three travelers from Lithuania: journalist Paulius Mačiulevičius, photographer Berta Tilmantaitė and psychologist Andrius Jančiauskas proves that there are no limits and everything is possible. Three authors’ book “Asia without borders” retold seven month long trip through ten Asian countries. With the idea “The globe is friendly” travelers decide to meet such a chaotic and in the same time very colourful Asian culture.

The book excellently depicted very different and faraway countries. Described the side of Turkey, unharmed by tourism, the hospitality of Iran people, dangers and inconceivable reality of Afghanistan casual life. India is shown through various religious rituals, traditions and lifestyle. Not only well-known places are described, there were unfamiliar heavenly places, which you won‘t find in touristic pamphlets. Mountain range of Himalayas in Nepal, friendly inhabitants and abandoned mountain‘s villages provided fresh airflow. Miserable nowadays of Tibet, commercialize monastery, which far do not remind the way it should be, gives lots of thought, what is right and what is wrong. However, by correcting the situation, enchanting China‘s historical places, involve readers to enjoy the travelers adventures. The daily life in Myanmar does not give the opportunity to rest even for a while and enforce to read further and further. Indonesia and Malaysia fascinated by gorgeous views of nature and mysterious traditions. The jumble of very different countries and culture is perfectly combined and shown in this book of these three wanderers. Of course, to describe everything is impossible, but “Asia without borders” contains lots of adventures and challenges. In addition, there is still some place left for reader imagination.

“Dream your life, live your dream”. Closing book with this thought makes deep trace in your heart and inexorable wish to leave everything and continue this wonderful journey in such a remarkable and unearthly Asia, which lurks and waits until some crazy adventurers abandon to un-known places. Paulius‘s Berta‘s and Andrius‘s book brilliantly shows the charm of these faraway land and leave a huge chaos in readers head with enormous inspiration to travel and explore the whole world.

Initiators of the project: Japan foundation VDU