Institute: Vilnius university
Tutor: Prof. Dr. Evalas Nekrašas, Doc. dr. Dovilė Jakniūnaitė
Consultant: Prof. dr. Egdūnas Račius
Author: Ieva Koreivaitė-Sadauskienė
Assertion date: 2016-11-07
The research objective of the dissertation is to complete the analysis on the first Iran’s Supreme Leader’s ayatollah Khumayni’s concept of justice and, consequently, to create an analytical perspective, which would serve for the further Iranian foreign policy analysis. Research revealed that the complex logics of Khumayni’s political thought and his concept of justice can be traced as an integral or unsolid narrative in today’s Iranian foreign policy. Respectively, every case of Iranian politics can be explained through the discourse of Khumayni’s justice. The analysis of Khumayni’s concept of justice is performed combining methodological guidelines of adherents of the Cambridge School of Political Thought J. G. A. Pocock and Q. Skinner. The analysis indicated that the principal of justice is the prime Shi’ite principle and it has kept the same status in neo-Shi’itic Khumaynistic ideology. Political justice cannot be suspended and its significance is embedded in the Iranian Constitution. More over certain political and social punishment mechanisms exist to control its observance. The analysis also showed that Khumayni’s concept of justice has a strong global dimension and implies certain political behavior, which is perceived by Iran as just, but not identified as such by the international community: for instance, spread of revolutionary ideas and support for resistance movements abroad, enmity towards Western states and i.e. More over the analysis of the concept of justice provides with the understanding about idealistic and pragmatic features of Iranian foreign politics, as well as with other aspects associated with international justice.