Asian studies in Lithuania
Original language: English
Translated from: English
Authors: Adiga, Arivand
Translated by: Ardickas, Zigmantas
Full translated source bibliographical description:

Aravind Adiga 2008. The White Tiger. Atlantic Books

ISBN: 978-5-415-02138-3
Published in: Vilnius
Published on: 2008
Publisher: Vaga

At 2008 Arivand Adiga novel The White Tiger won Booker Literature Award. This novel let us to meet with competelly different India. The tittle of book can a little bit misguide us because tiger is the rarest animal in jungle but book is telling about the boy whose name is Balram Halvaj. Inspector calls the boy white tiger because of his exclusivity in the school. He was crafty and the only person in the class, who can read and write. So, inspector compared Balram with the white tier and named him exactly like this. The boy grew up in poor family, so he wanted to do anything for better future, that it would be better than childhood. His family was poor  and they had to work very hard because of wealth. However, Balram has surpassed everyone and he started to work by driver. Later, he had a suggestion from the boss, so he was a driver of the boss sons.

After all he wanted to be something more than the driver because he saw life of rich people. Balram decided to kill the boss and steal all his money. Lately, he created  the company on his own from the ex boss money which calls \\\”The white tiger drivers\\\”. After all he is living with pleasure and also hiding a murder.

History starts when Balram writes the letters to minister who is going to visit India. The boy helped him because he wanted to introduce minister with the real country life. He tells him about carrer success, now he is the businessmen who commits a murder. In the letters, he was talking about his life, how everything was changed from poor childooh till now. So, the biggest part of this book is telling us about the lifestyle in India. Also, we see two parts of people life-dark and bright, either we see India womens routine, rich and poor people differences.

A lot of unexpected and exciting incidents forse us to keep this book in hand tightly.

Initiators of the project: Japan foundation VDU