Asian studies in Lithuania

3rd seminar for Korean studies in Baltic countries

Date and time: 2017-04-21 10:30 - 2017-04-22 13:00

Location: (Lietuvių) VDU Mažoji salė, Daukanto g. 28 (penktadienį); VDU Putvinskio 23-312 (šeštadienį)

The Center for Korean Studies of the University of Latvia in cooperation with the Centre for Asian Studies (Vytautas Magnus University) is organizing the 3rd Baltic Seminar on Korean Studies that will be held on April 21-22 at VMU Small Hall and Putvinskio st. 23-312. The seminar will attract participants not only from the Baltic states but also from Sweden, Finland, South Korea and other countries. The first half of the seminar will be focused on discussing the situation of Korean studies in the Baltic States while the remaining part will be dedicated to presentations about Korean language.

The event is free and open for everyone to attend.

Click here for the program of the seminar.

Web link:

Initiators of the project: Japan foundation VDU