Asian studies in Lithuania
Original language: English
Translated from: English
Authors: Gowda, Shilpi Somaya
Translated by: Žalytė-Steiblienė, Danguolė
Full translated source bibliographical description:

Shilipi Somaya Gowda, The Golden Son, Harper Avenue, Toronto, 2015.

ISBN: 9786090123355
Published in: Vilnius
Published on: 2016
Publisher: Alma Littera

Plot of the book takes place in nowadays India and tells the story about two juveniles. Anill and Leena, both born in little village in India, were best friends in their childhood years. Sadly, when they became teenagers they had been separated by their social differences and by different destinies which are planned for them. Anil is from one of the most families in his rural area, he has and opportunity to study in the United States and become a wealthy doctor. Later on he must inherit the …role of his family leader and arbiter from his father. On the other hand, there is Leena, who is from poor family. Only opportunity she has is to stay in India,  marry and become a good wife. Joylessly, these plans do not bring happiness for these two young people. The question is, will they follow their heart and ignore traditions.

Despite the fact that the book tells story about modern days in India, old traditions and social differences are still strong, especially in rural areas. This old system of India and problems it causes is one of the main things shown in the book. In this way, reader has an opportunity to perceive this different and complicated Indian world of traditions. And yet, new and modern opinion of young Indians is also an important topic. Affecting the fact is that two different stories from two different points of views is told – from woman and from man. It shows different expectations for them both. Moreover, the poverty in India and problems in health system are shown.

Those two stories, from Anil and Leena, let us to get to know with Indian traditions and to feel a little bit of India‘s culture and atmosphere. Also, main values of humanity, such as love, family and duty are shown in The Golden Son.

Shilipi Somaya Gowda is Canadian author who was born and raised in Canada in the family of Indian migrants. Now she lives in the United States with her family and husband. Author’s first book “Secret Daughter” which also has culture of India shown is a highly successful and it became an international bestseller.

Initiators of the project: Japan foundation VDU