Asian studies in Lithuania
Original language: Japanese
Translated from: Russian
Authors: Kobayashi, Kyuzo
Translated by: Skuodžiūnienė, Danutė
Full translated source bibliographical description:

Kyuzo Kobayashi, Kotei no inai hachigatsu, Kodansha, Showa 53 [1978]

Published in: Vilnius
Published on: 1984
Publisher: Mintis

In “The August without Emperor” is a political detective story, the author is using facts from 1961 “self-defense forces” attempt to overthrow the Japanese government. He’s writing very cleverly about the main mechanics of this rebellion. The book talks about Japanese militarism concept, the corruption of politics, secret contacts with big company monopolies and fascist organizations. Also, the author is trying to show us the unofficial censorship of the press and governments trials to …control the situation while covering everything up from public eyes as if it never happened.

The books story takes place in 1976 spring, when the main character a journalist, person called Isimori, tries to go home in Tokyo after collecting the information he needed to write his news article. But what happens next, none of us could see it coming. It was the eve of parliament election, through which the opposing factions would have won against Conservatives, but the dominating Democratic party was having other plans- starting a military rebellion.

Unfortunately the car crash in Aomori Prefecture fourth state highway messed up all the rebellion plans. If not of this “lucky” incident Tokyo and all Japan would have been hanging on a political catastrophe cliff.
In addition to the main story there is a side love story which ended five years before 1976 incident after the same rebels took Isimories love to captive. Her father was working on the case, solving the rebellion issue and knew to much at that time.

“The August without Emperor” is a detective story based on true 1961 facts, when a similar rebellion was breaking through in Japan. The author tries to tell us not only the governments, but also the big companies that have monopolies and were selling guns, tanks and planes in the black market. The book has a unique twist in the end. Throughout the whole story the tension does not drop till the very last chapter.

Initiators of the project: Japan foundation VDU