Asian studies in Lithuania

The Caliph’s house. A year in Casablanca

Original language: English
Translated from: English
Authors: Shah, Tahir
Translated by: Drazdauskienė, Rasa
ISBN: 978-9986-16-972-7
Published in: Vilnius
Published on: 2009
Publisher: Tylo alba

The book „The Caliph’s house. A year in Casablanca“ tells about the first Tahir Shah year in Casablanca. It is the largest city of Morocco, near the ocean, with wooden, crooked streets, with high walls which often hides the impressive ancient palaces. They are not very expensive, because Moroccans prefer modern apartments.

When the author was a child his father used to tell his stories about Morocco, about his grandfather who lived in Tangeries. So Tahir Sahah was looking for a place where family and freedom were the most important things. Therefore the author stars an adventure. He acquires abandoned, but full of bewitching secrest, caliph house and begin a new full of surprises life along with his family. The author did not expect that there will be servant, genies, taht in Morocco everything are different – other traditions, world and time preception and different people‘s behavior. You can not believe in anything and nothing is what it seems. Pink sticky stuff on the walls of the room appears to be a mysterious lucky sign, and the best carpenters are without fingers. Tahir Shah is persistently trying to tame Morocco, Casablanca and the Caliph’s house. Author wittily and with mild sarcasm tells about Chamber repair works, tells about local custom , and introduces the series of the colorful people.

Initiators of the project: Japan foundation VDU