Asian studies in Lithuania
Original language: English
Translated from: English
Authors: Min, Anchee
Translated by: Banelytė, Antanina
ISBN: 978-5-415-01957-1
Published in: Vilnius
Published on: 2007
Publisher: Vaga

“Empress Orchid” is a story based on true facts about incredibly beautiful girl Orchid Yehonala becoming the last Empress of China and the one to rule the longest. The action happens in 19th century in China. Growing up in the poorest province of China Anhui Orchid is promised to a son of a distant relative. However, Orchid does not want to marry the guy. At the same time the Emperor declares that he is searching for a girl to become his wife. Orchid decides to participate in a selection for an Empress. Although there are lots of girls wanting to become the Empress, Orchid with the help of her beauty becomes one of seven lucky girls which were chosen by Emperor himself. The beauty helped Orchid to get in Forbidden City, the Emperor’s palace, however, in order to appeal to Emperor the beauty will not be enough, Orchid will have to use her brain as well.

Living in Forbidden City Orchid has no idea what she will have to face. The desire to become Emperor’s the most loveable concubine and rivalry with other concubines who want the same thing. Every day thinking how to impress the Emperor the he would not forget her. Picking servants who are only loyal to Orchid. China getting weaker while fighting with foreigners and trying to prevent China from collapsing. Various conspiracies in order to be the one sitting in Emperor’s throne. Will Orchid be able to cope with obstacles and become one of the greatest Empress in history of China?

Anchee Min was born in Shanghai in 1957. Min was sent to a collective farm at age 17, where she was discovered by talent scouts. She worked as an actress at the Shanghai Film Studio. In 1984 Anchee Min went to the United States in 1984. She graduated from the School of the Art Institute of Chicago. She has written 6 novels and 2 memoir books.

Initiators of the project: Japan foundation VDU