Authors: Didvalis, Linas
Composers: Sakalauskas, Ignas
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Japanese VMU – is a website, for self-study Japanese in Lithuanian. This site is for everyone that wants to learn. These lessons are created from the very beginning. In this website you will learn the basics (reading, writing and listening), get to know the grammar comprehensively, enlarge your vocabulary and come across new things about Japans‘ culture.
Lessons are made by the official JLPT (Japanese Language Proficiency Test) program. By using the material in this website you will be able to achieve JLPT-5 or JLPT-4. All the lessons are divided into 6 parts: introduction, grammar, situation, translation, vocabulary and culture. The grammars are diversified with interactive tasks.
In this website there are two kinds of tests:
Hiragana/Katakana – you can check your hiragana and katakana knowledge. After you chose the mode you want (hiragana, katakana or both) you will see one symbol and you will have to put in the answer in Latin letters. To check if your answers are correct, press ‘enter’. Also at the end of the test you will be able to see how may did you get right.
Kanji – you can check if your character knowledge meets the JLPT-5 or JLPT- level. You can choose between ON/KUN (Chinese/Japanese) reading mode or a meanings mode. Also, you can check the answers by pressing ‘enter’.
Navigating through this website easy. On the left side of the screen you can always see the menu bar, so you can easily reach all the lessons you need. Every lesson has its sections, which divide the lesson into parts, for example, grammar, dialogs, etc.
Texts of lessons, illustrations, dialogs, sound clips, tests and hieroglyph lists – all that you can reach by cell phone, tablet PC or other mobile devices. So you can improve your Japanese skills everywhere you go.
How fast are you going through the lessons is completely up to you. Every lesson here will require a few hours of self-study, so you can finish the lesson in a few hours, a few weeks, or even longer, as long as you need.
This website is dedicated to self-studying, but even so, these lessons will be useful to people that are attending Japanese classes. Detailed grammar explanations and exercises will help you to enhance the knowledge you got in your classes and will help you understand Japanese language differences quicker.
In this website you can also find links, like for vocabularies, tests, programs, which will help you on your journey to learn Japanese.
These lessons are completely free.
Website is funded by the Japan Foundation.