Asian studies in Lithuania
Original language: Japanse
Translated from: English
Authors: Mogi, Ken (Kenchiro)
Translated by: Krištopaitienė, Daiva
ISBN: 978995513751
Published in: Kaunas
Published on: 2018
Publisher: Jotema

“The Little Book of Ikigai” is an easy book to read, which conveys exotic Japanese everyday life philosophy and a way to find your purpose- ikigai. In this book author talks about the main five principles of ikigai, which should help readers to understand the importance to this philosophy in Japanese culture and in people‘s lives in general. ‚Ikigai‘ is a Japanese word that means pleasures and the meaning of life. Using Japanese cultural examples, such as, sumo, kodawari, Japansese tea ceremony, etc., author easily conveys the message, meaning and explains every principle of ikigai.

After reading this book it really seems like it has helped you to find out your goal of life or maybe just have a clearer vision of it just how the first principle of ikigai says: you need to start from small things in life. „The Little Book of Ikigai“ helps to view the world in a different more understanding light. It makes you slow down and enjoy small things in life, rest for a bit instead of working non stop which is very common in today‘s world. The author suggests to take a break and grab a nice cup of coffee, think about your goals, dreams and start slowly working on them. Just like the book‘s name suggests it is not long or too much like it could seem at first when you hear it is a book about a unique philosophy.

Overall, this book is not hard to understand even to people who are not into Japan as a country because Ken Mogi given examples are very easily understood. Moreover, this book makes a good companion on a trip because of its size and ability to take you away to this beautiful country Japan.

Kenichiro „Ken“ Mogi- is a Japanese scientist, who analyzes neuroscience problems, also, takes interest in philosophy, history, art and education.

Initiators of the project: Japan foundation VDU