Asian studies in Lithuania

Japanese Stab Binding workshop

Date and time: 2019-04-26 18:00 - 2019-05-17 20:00

Location: Užupio meno inkubatorius, Užupio g. 2, Vilnius

Japanese binding is simple, beautiful and comes with a variety of stitches.
This workshop is a perfect introduction to the art of bookmaking. Participants do not need any prior knowledge of bookbinding.

In this workshop, students learn the basic structure of Japanese bookbinding, get familiar with different technics and make a soft cover book for themselves to take home. This book can be used as a notebook, journal, photo album and more.

Workshops are given in eglish by Sorour Fattahi.

Price: 40 eur/moth. (50 eur, if 5 days per moth).
One time price: 12 eur.
Once per week, 2 hours . (18.00–20.00).
Place: Užupio meno inkubatorius, „Galera“, Užupio g. 2A, Vilnius.

Web link:

Initiators of the project: Japan foundation VDU