Asian studies in Lithuania

Israeli Choir’s Night

Date and time: 2018-08-01 18:00 - 2018-08-01 21:00

Location: Kauno miesto muziejus, Rotušės a. 15, Kaunas

The concert „Israeli Choir’s Night“ will take place at the Kaunas City Museum, Town Hall (Rotušės a. 15, Kaunas) on August 1st at 18:00. Professional choirs will play a selection of the finest Israeli Folklore and Jewish Tradition Songs.

Maestro Ezra Moriel graduated the Music Academy of Tel Aviv University. For 20 years, maestro conducts many choirs from different places in Israel. For 22 years, Maestro Ezra Moriel is the Music Director of a youth band of high school near Tel Aviv. He is a Music Director and Arranger of voices and instruments for many performances across Israel.
In addition, Maestro Ezra Moriel was the Music Director of the musical “My Fair Lady“, and wrote music for “Cabaret“.

Ganim Ramat Gan Choir was founded in 2010 in Ramat-Gan city near Tel Aviv. The choir is a mixed choir and counts 20 singers ages 40-70. The choir’s repertoire consists of Israeli songs, songs from the Prayers, songs in Ladino etc. The choir performs in many festivals in Israel, choir’s meetings and is invited every year to an International festival in Jerusalem. This is the first time the choir leaves Israel to perform abroad and is very much exited.

Sedot Negev Choir was founded in 2001 in the regional council of Sedot Negev in the south of Israel. The choir is a mixed choir and counts 20 singers ages 50-80. The choir’s repertoire consists of Israeli songs, songs from the Prayers, songs in Ladino etc. The choir performs in ceremonies, memorial ceremonies, choir’s meetings in Israel and was invited twice to the Kneset. This is the first time the choir leaves Israel to perform abroad and is very much exited.

The event is organized by Izraeil Travel Agency “Almog Travel and Tourism“.

The entrance is free of charge.

Web link:

Initiators of the project: Japan foundation VDU