Asian studies in Lithuania

Rumi Evenings

Date and time: 2018-06-07 19:00 - 2018-09-20 21:00

Location: Rumi namai, Utenos g. 38, Vilnius

Mystical stories of Mathnavi Jala-al din Mohammad Balkhi (Rumi) with reciting, translating and discussions about the philosophy of Sufism in Persian culture. Mathnavi shows how to live in spiritual way in our daily lives. At the end we invite anyone who can play on any instrument for the jam session, we will play for peace and love.

We try to meet every Thursdays regularly in Rumi Namai and talk about Rumi and his poems.

Free entrance for all Rumi lovers.
At the end jam session and free discussion about mysticism.
Peace and Love.

Address: Utenos str. 38, Vilnius.

Web link:

Initiators of the project: Japan foundation VDU