Asian studies in Lithuania

Old Jewish Stories: “Ruby Tree”

Date and time: 2018-05-20 19:00 - 2018-05-20 20:30

Location: Menų spaustuvė, Šiltadaržio g. 6, Vilnius

A King and his Queen long for a child. There is only one way to fulfill this wish: the King must pluck a fruit from the strange and wonderful Ruby Tree, planted by Elijah himself and guarded by a shape-shifting witch.

This haunting story has been preserved in Jewish tradition for centuries, carrying echoes of Rapunzel, Snow White and the Twelve Brothers. Our tales may travel, but the themes within them cross cultures, and wherever they go, they speak to us of our longings and failings, the hopes of generations yet to be born, and the triumph of the human spirit.

Shonaleigh is a dedicated and committed storyteller, who has actively worked to expand and share her tradition, she has a repertoire of over three thousand stories which can be adapted as appropriate for the theme and audience with whom she is working.

She has performed in venues from church halls to London’s Albert Hall, from forests to the Barbican, and at festivals in the UK, on the Continent, USA and New Zealand. She also does a great deal of work in schools and among community groups, helping people, particularly teenagers and the immigrant community, find their voice.

More about the storyteller:

Web link:

Initiators of the project: Japan foundation VDU