Asian studies in Lithuania

Stories from India

Date and time: 2018-05-18 19:00 - 2018-05-18 21:30

Location: Menų spaustuvė, Šiltadaržio g. 6, Vilnius

We invited award-winning international Storyteller Peter Chand to perform on the opening event of the Baltic Storytelling Centre. Don’t miss out on this very special occasion!

Peter Chand is constantly in demand for his unique retelling of tales from his motherland. Peter has shared his stories across Britain and has also performed in Norway, France, Austria, Canada, and Singapore, among other countries. He grew up with Punjabi as his first language, and still visits family in the Punjab to collect folk tales, translating them into English and sharing them with audiences worldwide.

As well as touring extensively, he also shares his storytelling skills by leading workshops with teachers, librarians, budding storytellers, and anyone trying to find their voice and gain confidence when performing in public. Peter is also part of the organising team of Festival at the Edge, which is the oldest storytelling festival in England.

He has recently been honoured by being chosen as one of the 100 Masters, by Creative Black Country, which celebrates creativity and excellence within the many towns and cities which make up the Black Country region.

“Peter transports the listener into his world with remarkable energy and great expression… I was spellbound” Kim Normanton Producer BBC Radio Four.

More about the guest:

Web link:

Initiators of the project: Japan foundation VDU