Asian studies in Lithuania

Lecture Series by Prof. Smadar Lavie

Date and time: 2018-04-19 17:30 - 2018-04-26 19:00

Location: VU Azijos ir transkultūrinių studijų institutas, Universiteto g. 5, Vilnius

This endowed four lecture series introduces the diversity and heterogeneity of family, kinship and gender relations in Middle Eastern societies and their diasporas. It traces religious observance as a culturally lived experience, spanning from the local to the transnational.

The lectures are based on classic and new works by feminist scholars, listed below, introduce theoretical arguments from the Humanities and Social Sciences, and juxtapose these to complex case studies from various locals. In so doing, the lectures illuminate connections between religion and ritual, ethnicities, genders, education, the media, travel, migration, citizenship, political commitments, conflict and societal change. Concurrently the course aims to undo the many stereotypes about Middle Eastern women.

Lectures will be held at the Institute of Asian and Transcultural Studies, Vilnius University, J. Kovalevskis aud. (Universiteto Str. 5, entrance from Daukantas courtyard)Download poster.

For more information visit VU Institute of Asian and Transcultural Studies page:

Web link:

Initiators of the project: Japan foundation VDU