Asian studies in Lithuania

“Susikirtimai”: Mei Zhiyong, ooo, avidja

Date and time: 2017-12-05 20:00 - 2017-12-05 23:00

Location: Kirtimų kultūros centras, Dariaus ir Girėno g. 69, Vilnius

Mei Zhiyong
Mei Zhiyong / 梅志勇 (*1984) pursues a physical form of sonic rapture, an explorative mind with the body as a tool pushing the limits, seeking a liberating nothingness beyond logic, found in coarse actionistic or quietly manic outbursts, in dizzying electronic soarings or in following unknown traces in field recordings.Mei Zhiyong also directs and shoots independent short films, works with photography and is part of the nojiji collective. he was born in shandong province and lives in changchung city, china.

Since a decade, the being behind the soundless moniker (aka Nikola H. Mounoud) process analog, digital and hybrid feedbacks in real time to produce a unique, powerful and highly dynamic live performance where irresponsible noise, weird sonic blasts, total non-sense and pure irrationality meets for an intense timeless experience. Between neo-composed scores and prepared pseudo-improvisation, the listener absorb the unleashed beauty of the musical wrath for an experience close to the feeling one might get from traveling outside its body or simply have a break from this so called reality. More info are available here :

avidja – guitar with imagination. The bride, a guitar, bored by the company of six chords ran away. “Square brutes.” – she turned and cried. She bent her neck: “I don’t want to play, I’m sick of it! I want to layer gouache, spread watercolor, I want to mumble poetry!” Her strings tensed and droned: “I’m a six-sword siren! I-need-nooO))ise.” Suddenly, shy of her combative posture, she swiveled around and whispered: “Warm and fuzzy and rippling noise…” The offended chords rose up and changed inversions. “Send her to the electric chair!” – they emitted a shriek several octaves higher than usual and grabbed the guitar by the horns. She straightened up, looked down at the tamed guests with scorn and said, “Let’s get on with it. Just plug my effect pedals to the electric chain.”

Price 3 EUR

Web link:

Initiators of the project: Japan foundation VDU