Asian studies in Lithuania

Japanese movie “Zen”

Date and time: 2017-09-16 14:00 - 2017-09-16 16:30

Location: T. Kosciuškos 26, Vilnius

The movie tells a story about the Zen Buddhist teacher Dogen Zenji, who was a very important religious figure in XIII a.  After his mother died, he decides to move to China and settle as a Buddhist teacher. Zenji returns to Japan as a devoted evangelist of the ‘new’ Buddhism.
This film is one of the most serious presentations of Japanese zen Buddhism, which has had a great influence on their culture, however the movie is hardly understood by the outside world.
The movie is dubbed in Russian.
Registration is required via e-mail:, or phone: 867715588.
Title: Zen
Director: Banmei Takahashi
Country: Japonija.
Year: 2009 m.
Runtime: 127 min.

Web link:

Initiators of the project: Japan foundation VDU