Asian studies in Lithuania

International Conference “Nation, Gender and History: Asian Cinemas in Perspective”

Date and time: 2017-09-07 - 2017-09-09

Location: Vilniaus universiteto Orientalistikos centras, Universiteto g. 5, Vilnius

On September 7-9 the Centre of Oriental Studies of Vilnius University invites to an international conference “Nation, Gender and History: Asian Cinemas in Perspective” on the cinemas of Asia. Over thirty scholars from Europe and Asia will present their works and discuss the problems of national cinema, historiography, nationalism and gender representation. A lot of attention will be paid to horror, action and other cinematic genres which are often overlooked in academic film studies. Movie screenings and discussions will take place as well.

Contact person: Dr. Deimantas Valančiūnas, e-mail:, phone: +370 626 76783.
Organizers: Centre of Oriental Studies and Asian Arts Centre of Vilnius University.

Web link:

Partners and sponsors: (Lietuvių)

Lietuvos-Indijos forumas.

Initiators of the project: Japan foundation VDU