Asian studies in Lithuania

The Impact of the US Military Transformation on Russian and Chinese Security Policy

Author: Karolis Aleksa
Institute: Vilnius university
Tutor: Prof. dr. Gediminas Vitkus
Author: Karolis Aleksa
Assertion date: 2012-11-30

Although US remained the strongest military power in international system after the Cold War, it was still deeply concerned how to retain its military dominance in the longer term, that could guarantee US further predominance in solving major international issues. Three US military transformation initiatives, namely the transformation of the US conventional forces, the development of missile defense systems and long-range conventional precision-strike capability, are considered as the main instruments to maintain US military dominance in the future. Considering that for Russia and China, which are perceived as the major US opponents, the US military transformation emerged as a big challenge, the research problem is formulated as an attempt to understand whether and how the US military transformation poses a threat to Russia and China’s security and in turn, how this affects Russian and Chinese security policy towards the United States. Accordingly, the goal of the dissertation is to examine the impact of the US military transformation on Russian and Chinese security policy since the end of the Cold War and until 2010. The offence-defense balance theory provides the theoretical and analytical basis for the research. The results of the research have shown that US has managed to achieve an offensive advantage in the conventional offence-defense balance against Russia and China and has had a real possibility to gain such an advantage in the nuclear offense-defense balance, nevertheless US security policy has not become aggressive towards these states. As a response to the US military transformation Russia and China have been trying to gain an offensive conventional advantage, to maintain a stable nuclear offence-defense balance and to prevent US to build a foundation, allowing further US military domination.

Initiators of the project: Japan foundation VDU