Published in: Kaunas
Published on: 1996
Publisher: Orientas
Romualdas Neimantas is the writer, the doctor of history science, one of the most prominent explorer of Eastern cultures, Lithuania‘s and Eastern cultural interactions, also known as a person, who devoted his whole life for East Asia region, cognition, exploration and travelling. Author in the book “The golden dragon“ not only talks about Daoizm which is one of the oldest filosophy and religion in China but also tries to find a unique way how to perceive China. Having consideration in that, author refers to his old acquintance professor Lin Bo thoughts. Professor claims, that “China is the dragon, who has thousands of faces. If you want to understand China, you have to find a dragon… The golden dragon who is the body, the soul and the blood of China.“ The main goal in this book is to find the Golden dragon which lies in Chinese philosophy, art and perception of the world.